The Purpose Masterclasses

Give your team the tools and understanding they need to drive forward your purpose-driven agenda. Our series of Purpose Masterclasses cover a range of issues and are suitable for leaders and managers at every level.

Public expectations for businesses to address major social and environmental issues have changed. It is becoming increasingly important for organisations to have a capable and confident team that can effectively navigate these challenges. Many of these issues evoke strong emotions and require thoughtful and strategic engagement to avoid damaging the organisation's reputation and relationships with stakeholders.

The Purpose Masterclasses involve a selection of courses - all providing teams with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate modern challenges, build confidence, and engage with issues strategically and effectively. Click below to learn about the courses:

  • Course Outline: This masterclass provides participants with a deep understanding of how to engage in issue advocacy, use their platform for good, and work in partnership with other organisations to promote lasting social change.

  • Course Outline: This masterclass helps participants understand the role of digital tools and strategies in building corporate reputation and having a positive social impact.

  • Course Outline: This masterclass equips participants with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of social purpose and how to embed it in their organisation. It will help participants develop a social purpose statement, integrate social purpose into their strategic planning and decision-making processes, measure and communicate their social impact, and build a reputation for being a purpose-driven company.

  • Course Outline: This masterclass provides participants with a strong understanding of the issues and challenges related to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, as well as practical strategies for designing and implementing effective solutions. The facilitators will share their insight into how strategy and communications can deliver change, informed by working with some of the world’s leading brands.

  • Course outline: Find and deploy your voice and platform to drive social change. Improve your performance at events raising awareness of the company’s work on purpose issues for panels, public debates, keynote speeches, town halls, media interviews and AGMs.

Interested? Get in touch to find out how the Purpose Masterclasses could work for your organisation.

Executive Advocacy Training


Authenticity matters. Speaking with purpose and clarity builds trust with audiences and helps you to win the arguments that matter to your campaigns. We help your leaders and spokespeople to become more persuasive speakers during critical reputation-determining events such as panels, public debates, keynote speeches, town halls, media interviews and AGMs. Our experience as world-leading debate strategists and media coaches will help you communicate your narrative as a purposeful company.