The Climate Counsel

A decade on from the Paris climate summit, the world has made once unimaginable strides towards a net zero future. Yet for those on the frontlines of our rapidly changing climate, that progress is still all too slow as we urgently strive to keep 1.5°C alive. A just transition away from fossil fuels was always going to be a marathon. Now it must be a sprint.

At Purpose Union, we’re hopeful but not naive about the scale and pace of change that’s required. This view is informed by the work we do day in day out alongside our clients. It’s also based on our research. 

Over half of Gen Z and Millennials don’t think business is doing enough to address climate change, and the majority believe that governments need to set more ambitious targets and protect vulnerable countries. But optimism remains: most Gen Zs and Millennials actually think the world is in a stronger position to tackle climate change today than it was 5 years ago.

In many ways, the easiest wins have been achieved. The hardest work starts now. That’s why we have created the Climate Counsel - a group of strategists that works with organisations and individuals across the public, private and social sectors to plan, communicate and deliver ambitious, authentic and credible climate initiatives that support a just transition to net zero.

Climate change and environmental campaigns and communications

Policy research, landscape mapping and horizon scanning

Advocacy strategy and delivery

Sustainability reporting

Partnership or initiative design

Philanthropy and corporate citizenship

Meet the Team (Staff)

Meet the Team (Advisors)

Who we’ve worked with:

To speak to us about working together contact